
Why Is A Filter Silencer Necessary For Compressors And Blowers?

May 28, 2024
High-Quality Industrial Filters In Waterloo, Ontario

Industrial filters are extensive in variety and even more varied in application. Be it welding filters or vacuum truck filters, each serves a unique purpose. Inlet filters, also known as silencers are another category of inlet filters primarily used in compressors and blowers. In this blog, Dynamic Filtration Ltd., an expert manufacturer of industrial filters in Waterloo, explores silencers, their application in compressors and blowers, and some popular filter elements used for this purpose.


What Is A Filter Silencer?


An inlet filter silencer serves a dual purpose. On one hand, it serves as a conventional inlet filter, protecting equipment from harmful particles present in the air. On the other, it also reduces the noise generated by the machines they are attached to, providing a muffling effect. 


Role Of Filter Silencers In Compressors And Blowers


Apart from compressing and dissipating air, compressors, and blowers are known for making very loud noises during operation. This is especially the case for very powerful devices. Therefore, a filter silencer reduces the sound produced by these machines and makes them more operational, apart from protecting them from contamination.


Prominent Filter Elements For Silencers


The two most prominent filter elements used for silencers are polyester and paper.


Polyester: This type of filter element is best for outdoor applications and is more resistant to temperature and moisture fluctuations.


Paper: If the application is indoors where temperature fluctuations and humidity are not a huge factor, paper filter elements are an excellent choice.


For different types of industrial filters such as welding filters, pleated filters, panel filters, inlet-type filters, and more, please reach out to us at Dynamic Filtration Ltd. today. With more than 3 decades of experience, the company strives to build the highest-quality filters that are durable and easy to maintain. Contact us today to learn more or to request a quote.

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